Wednesday 13 April 2011

More Problems and More Development


-Hooray, I got the sound to turn off. But now it rarely turns on. It turns on on the first bounce but seldom after that. No idea why this is happening. Will have to quickly work it out.
-The program is only moderately entertaining and, much worse, is not really transforming anything but the screen. This is solved further down the post.
-The Arrays were annoying me so I made them ArrayLists. Easier to add things and can remove things at will. Brilliant.
-Too many sounds. Solution, reduce the number of possible sounds from 100 to 8.


-Big Balls. We need larger balls on the screen. The current ones are too small and boring. So I made the balls bigger.
- Color, increased the range of possible colors and reduced the overall 'blueness'. some of the balls were getting too dark to see well against the black background.
-Interactivity. The program lacks more advanced interactivity and transformation. Cue my great(ish) idea:

My Idea:

-To add more fun and pure awesomeness to my program I now have larger balls. (But they were being added to the screen so fast it was ridiculous. So I created a delay to when they should be added to the screen. But now when you right click on them they explode into smaller balls. This adds not only more interactivity to the program but adds more transformation, which is what the project is all about.

Where to now?

-Fixing the sound problem. Then we are all done.

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